Download VS2019 & VS2022 Plugin

VS2019 and VS2022 Plugin

The SQL Formatter for Visual Studio 2019 and for Visual Studio 2022 is part of the Windows App.

Step 1

The SQL Formatter for Visual Studio 2019 and for Visual Studio 2022 is part of the Windows App. Download and unzip the Windows App into your installation folder of your choice. Double-click the vsix file to start the installation.

visual studio plugin folder
VS2022 Installation Plugin SQL Formatter
VS2022 Installation Plugin SQL Formatter

Step 2

Start VS2019 or VS 2022 and specify in the >Tools >Options menu in which directory you unzipped the zip file.

visual studio 2022 free sql formatter

Format your SQL with one click

Use the Context menu or the shortcuts

visual studio 2022 sql formatter

Manage your Profiles using the Desktop App

Start the Desktop App and set your preferred formatting options for each profile

Start SQL Formatter Desktop App
sql conditions options